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Anxiety is a “Peace Thief.” 9 Ways to Create Calm

Like a masked burglar, anxiety can stealthily rob you of an important element in your life – tranquility.

Having peace, even when faced with a challenging situation, is priceless. Often, this kind of calm seems unattainable.

Worries can quickly fill your mind. These negative thoughts produce a chaotic whirlwind of anxiety-laden emotion. You can even feel the effects of anxiety in your body. Tense muscles, digestion problems, and sleepless nights can all stem from this “peace thief.”

Take comfort in knowing that you can thwart such anxiety. Enjoying a tranquil life is possible. Here are several ways to help you create the calm you desire.

1. Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a state of being in which you focus awareness on the present. The present being your current body sensations, feelings, and thoughts.

Not that the past doesn’t exist or even that a future filled with endless to-do lists doesn’t exist.  The difference is that you’re simply acknowledging them rather than attempting to mentally “handle” each thought as it comes. 

2. Get Moving

When struggling with anxiety, exercise may be the last thing on your mind. Some days it feels like you simply don’t have the time or energy for it. The cycle of anxiety will continue if you don’t change something, though.

Even a brisk walk is powerful enough to support the fight against anxious thoughts.

Exercise releases mood-boosting chemicals in your body that can contribute to your all around well-being.

3. Enjoy an Activity

Anxiety drones on about your list of worries in the most cheerless way. In fact, it can take the joy out of life altogether.

Take time to do something fulfilling and refreshing for yourself. Take stock of the joy that an activity can provide.

Whether the activity is playing a musical instrument, going to a movie, or visiting a museum, assign a time to focus your attention on it. This small act will restock your emotional well and turn your attention to positive things.

4. Spend Time in Nature

With an immense range of therapeutic measures, the most accessible therapy is the great outdoors. Spending time in nature promotes activation in your parasympathetic nervous system. This is the part of the nervous system which regulates rest and digestion.

When you lose touch with nature, you also lose touch with an innate, important human element within yourself. In an attempt to remain more grounded and relaxed, focus on spending time in nature.

5. Take a Moment Simply to Breathe

Focus on your breathing. Consciously force both your inhalation and exhalation to become long and slow. A moment of high anxiety would be the perfect time to stop and breathe.

It might sound too simple to be effective, but this purposeful action will anchor you back into the present moment. Without it, your thoughts may very well run away with your peace.

6. Eat a Healthy Diet

Ramping up your self-care routine may seem obvious. However, in your struggle with anxiety, you’ve probably been taking care of yourself last.

Pay special attention to your diet. Support your bodily functions with nutritious food. Stay away from alcohol, refined sugars, and highly processed foods. These will do more damage than good.

7. Socialize

Another function that is probably not high on your priority list is socializing. Yet, being with and thinking of other people serves as an excellent distraction from anxious thoughts.

In addition, socializing helps to put your anxieties in perspective. When you’re struggling with worry, it’s easy only to see a small piece of the picture. Interaction with others helps open up the whole story to varying viewpoints and ideas.

8. Examine Evidence

Your fears cause anxiety. Take a closer look at those fears under your mind’s microscope.

Are they real or are they imagined? Can you validate them or have they been blown out of proportion?

You can then put your feelings and anxiety in check when you’re armed with clarity and knowledge.

9. Celebrate Victories

It can be challenging to face a struggle with anxiety. Anxiety can tell you the lie that you do nothing right. However, bringing your victories to the forefront will obliterate inaccurate thinking.

Celebrate your victories. Challenging circumstances in which you remain calm serve as wins.

If you need help successfully winning the war against your inner peace thief, seek professional help. Inner calm is worth the effort and entirely within your reach. I invite you to call me at 310-962-4330 for a free 15-minute phone consultation to discuss your specific needs.

Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start. - Nido Qubein