Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist | 6 Kiki Place, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 | 310.962.4330

The Link Between Negative Self-Talk and Anxiety

Do you often have an inner dialogue going on throughout the day? How would you categorize the nature of these little self-chats? Mostly positive or mostly negative? If you answered that your inner chatter is mostly positive, then most likely you’re aware of the impact self-talk has on you. On the flip side, you might find yourself recalling insults, complaints, and harsh judgments being the...
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Anxiety is a “Peace Thief.” 9 Ways to Create Calm

Like a masked burglar, anxiety can stealthily rob you of an important element in your life – tranquility. Having peace, even when faced with a challenging situation, is priceless. Often, this kind of calm seems unattainable. Worries can quickly fill your mind. These negative thoughts produce a chaotic whirlwind of anxiety-laden emotion. You can even feel the effects of anxiety in your...
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7 Ways Exercise Effectively Alleviates Depression

Exercise may be the last thing on your agenda if you struggle with depression. Getting your body moving can seem like a daily challenge, especially when you feel perpetually down or out of sorts. It’s not uncommon to feel fatigued, sluggish, or simply unmotivated to move at all. Interestingly enough, the very exercise that you don’t feel like doing can actually help alleviate...
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6 Steps You Likely Don’t Want to Take…But Will Help Relieve Your Depression

If you’re one of the many people struggling with depression, you know full well how it feels on a daily basis. It’s a round-the-clock battle that can really weigh you down. You may be feeling fatigued, unmotivated, or even isolated from the rest of the world. In looking for some relief, the simple act of retreat may seem most enticing to you. Unfortunately, this will only keep you...
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Treating Depression: Little Steps Make A Big Difference

When struggling with depression or just feeling down, it’s common to beat ourselves up for everything that we’re not doing or not doing right or not doing well. It often becomes routine to focus on the negative, which increases feelings of hopelessness and helplessness as well as aggravating other depression symptoms. You might feel totally stuck and unable to move forward. If this sounds...
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Navigating Holiday Depression

Navigating the hustle and bustle of the holidays can feel challenging even if we began the season feeling healthy, supported and centered, which isn’t the case for many, if not most, of us. It can be difficult to manage the stress of trying to get everything done in a short month and making sure that everyone’s needs are being met. Family gatherings can also trigger old wounds, especially if you...
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Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start. - Nido Qubein