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How to Best Support Your Depressed Partner

When your partner is struggling with depression, you might feel overwhelmed, helpless, and frustrated that you can’t do more to help them. 

While you can’t take away their feelings of sadness or hopelessness, one of the best things you can do is to support them. Still, you may be at a loss as to how to do that effectively. 

Thankfully, there are some things you can do to help them manage their depression. In doing so, you can be a source of comfort for them while also helping your relationship. 

So, what are the best ways to support your depressed partner? 

Learn More About Depression

Keep in mind that everyone deals with depression differently. Understanding your partner’s depression as best you can is incredibly important. So, don’t be afraid to talk to them about it whenever they’re willing to open up, but don’t push. 

You can also do as much research as possible about depression, in general. Learn how it impacts people, what the common symptoms are, and how people who struggle with it can get through it and manage those symptoms. 

The more you understand about depression, the more you’ll be able to help your partner. That doesn’t mean that you will ever be able to “fix” everything for them. But, when you have a better idea of what they’re going through, you can provide the support they need rather than feeling as though you’re at a loss as to how you should help. 

Create the Right Environment

If you live with your partner, one of the best things you can do to support them is to create the right environment at home. They should know that you will be there for them, no matter what. Asking things like “how can I help?” or simply saying “I’m here for you” can go a long way. 

Your home environment should also encourage a healthy, positive lifestyle. It’s very easy for depressed individuals to have symptoms that have a negative impact on their sleeping and/or eating habits. Others may try to avoid social situations or stop doing things they typically enjoy. 

So, focus on creating healthy meals and exercising regularly with your partner. Make plans to do things together, and make every situation as low-stress as possible. That doesn’t mean you need to walk on eggshells to make sure they’re always comfortable. But, recognizing their symptoms and thinking of ways to combat them can be a big help. 

Encourage Treatment

Depression won’t often go away on its own. Once someone is in the throes of it, it can be very difficult for them to get out without some kind of help. 

If you truly want to support them, you should encourage them to get treatment. Talking to a mental health professional can make a huge difference in the life of someone struggling with depression. They can start taking medication that may make things more balanced, or learn the skills needed to manage their symptoms and take control of their lives once again. 

It can be difficult to see the person you love struggling with something like depression. But, the situation is never hopeless. Keep these ideas in mind to be their support system, and feel free to contact me for more information or to learn more about how depression can impact a person. 

While you’re supporting your partner, it’s also a good idea to take care of your own needs. You can’t pour from an empty cup. So, don’t exhaust yourself or stress yourself out by doing too much for them. Make sure you’re getting enough rest and practicing self-care. When you do focus on your own needs, you’ll be able to better care for your partner without burning out. 

Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start. - Nido Qubein