Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist | 6 Kiki Place, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 | 310.962.4330

How Trauma Damages Trust and Strategies to Rebuild It

Recently, you experienced a really tough time in your life. It was more than just rough, though. It was traumatic. This experience may have been some type of loss or possibly something that left you absolutely breathless. No matter what it was that you experienced, you feel different now. Changing and evolving are typically positive things in life. But, the difference you see in yourself after...
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Freedom is Your Future: 7 Reasons to Call a Trauma Therapist

Have you recently experienced a situation that felt like it changed your life forever? Instead of feeling like your normal self, you might feel like you’re carrying around a ton of bricks. Perhaps this heavy feeling just won’t go away. Trauma comes in all shapes and sizes. It can also stop life right in its tracks. Simply said, it can be disheartening, devastating, and debilitating. That’s...
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Trauma After Betrayal: How to Manage the Triggers

When you learned of your partner’s betrayal, it felt like your world crumbled. It seems like everything you thought or believed changed in one split second. Such a huge blow to your personal life might have felt like someone dropping a bomb right on top of you. It probably left you wondering how in the world to find all the pieces, let alone put them back together. Sadly, this is the essence of...
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What You Can Do to Get the Most out of Online Therapy

You’ve decided to embark on a new endeavor – online therapy. Although the online route seems like a perfect fit for your lifestyle, you may wonder if it will have the same effect as traditional therapy. Be confident that, like traditional methods, online therapy can be incredibly beneficial. Also, much like traditional therapy, the outcome of online approaches greatly depends on how you approach...
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Breathing Techniques to Ease Anxiety

Do you find your mind running away from you sometimes? Do these runaway thoughts often send you spiraling down into the pits of anxiety? If you’re searching for a way to focus your mind, body, and emotions, breathing techniques may be the answer. None of us enjoy struggling with anxiety. I’m sure you don’t purposefully set out a welcome mat for worry or invite it to dinner. Anxiety is stealthy...
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Web Sharing that Matters…5 Reasons Online Therapy is Worthwhile

Have you thought to yourself, ” I’d seek therapy if it were more convenient?” The idea of bringing a therapist to you might seem far-fetched at first. But it’s become a reality in our technological day and age. Online therapy consists of patients and therapist communicating by email, text, Skype, FaceTime, telephone, and other means via the internet. It’s not a new idea, as therapists even fifty...
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Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start. - Nido Qubein