Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist | 6 Kiki Place, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 | 310.962.4330

How COVID-19 Has Improved Online Therapy

Online therapy. Teletherapy. Telemedicine. Virtual health. 

Whatever you want to call it, the process of practicing medicine online has become more popular and more important than ever. That is largely due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many doctors and therapists across the country have opted to “go virtual” for the time being, seeing patients through a video screen, rather than in-person. 

The current goal, of course, is to keep everyone safe. 

But, there is a good chance that popularity will continue, even after the pandemic is over. Granted, there are some things that will always require an in-person visit. But, COVID-19 has improved online therapy in such a way that it’s likely here to stay. 

In the midst of a pandemic that has caused so much harm, has it actually done something good? Let’s look at how it’s improved teletherapy, and why it will likely stick around. 

It Has Expanded Access

Perhaps the most important thing COVID-19 has done for online therapy is to expand access to almost everyone. 

People who live in rural communities or who may not otherwise have access to a therapist can now talk to one online. It doesn’t matter where they are or where the therapist is. Because more healthcare professionals have decided to opt for digital services right now, it’s giving more people the opportunity to take advantage of those services. 

That also includes individuals who might not want to leave their homes, those with underlying illnesses, or people with mobility issues. 

COVID-19 has increased the number of healthcare providers who are offering online therapy. As a result, it has also increased the number of people receiving help. 

It Has Improved Patient Care

Online therapy has been around for quite some time. But, unless a therapist specifically focused on an online practice, they typically weren’t able to give patients the same level of attention and care they might need through video. 

When a therapist still has an active in-person practice, online sessions may have used to come second. 

Now, they have become a priority. 

As a result, patient care for those attending sessions online has greatly improved. Therapists are more accessible when a patient needs them, and they are more likely to be able to connect with you at flexible times, rather than “squeezing you in” between in-person patients. 

That level of care and attention is likely to continue after COVID-19. Now that people have come to expect it, anything less would be a step backward. 

It Has Brought More Attention to Mental Health

Studies are already being released that show how COVID-19 is impacting mental health. People are experiencing extra stress and more severe conditions like anxiety and depression. Others are struggling with extreme isolation and loneliness. 

Even children and teenagers are feeling the stress caused by this pandemic. 

While we won’t know the full effects of how COVID-19 has impacted everyone mentally, chances are there will be a spike in mental health treatment over the next several years as a result of the pandemic. While that isn’t necessarily a good thing, it has made more people aware of the importance of mental health and the options for treatment. 

People who may have never gone to a therapist in-person are now seeing the importance of mental health care. Family members are encouraging others to get help. Individuals are tired of feeling anxious and hopeless. Thankfully, online therapy can help with all of it in a way that it was never fully able to before. 

COVID-19 has impacted almost everyone in some way. Thankfully, more resources are available to find the help you need if you’re struggling. Feel free to contact me if you would like to know more about online therapy, or if you would like to set up an appointment. 

Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start. - Nido Qubein